Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Transformational Learning - teaching by example

To me the best teachers lead by example. Perfection isn't required. I see this as a necessity in life coaching. Lives are never going to go exactly as you plan but learning from life helps us grow. That is all I expect from those I learn from.

One of my colleagues and friends, Savina Cavallo has written an amazing blog on the tools she used to work through her worries. Let me give you a little rundown of the article and what I learned from it.

Savina's worry was embedded in her and centered around feelings about herself. She felt a need to be validated by others (not always a bad thing but it can be unhealthy, another topic for another day) and she lacked trust in herself.
The steps she went through to let go:
1)"First and most important was knowing, really knowing, that God is always with me, within me. I shifted from seeing God as condemning and aloof, to God within me, accepting me just as I am."
I love this it is absolutely brilliant. We tend to think God is constantly judging us and forget that he made us the way we are. We are beautiful in our uniqueness and we should trust in Him that He did a good job and has a path for us.

2)"Second, accepting myself JUST AS I AM. I faced shame-based beliefs I had about myself and worked with them instead of suppressing them. I understood that I am unique and important to the greater whole (purpose). I have given myself permission to feel feelings that were lost inside of me for years. I have faced my fears and seen them as just a part of me that I need to work with and not against."
We are all different and we all have our different baggage, feelings and reactions. But we are all lovely in our own way. Loving ourselves is an important step in reclaiming our lives. We are just as important as anyone else.

3)"Third, give myself permission to walk my own path. I asked myself, what do I want? What makes me feel whole and alive?"
Our gifts and talents are individual just like our fingerprints. They make us who we are. In this last step not only is she recognizing her gifts and her own path, but tshe is acknowledging that she needs to do things that make her happy. She needs to take care of herself.

Her article goes into more depth about the specific tools that she has found comforting. I love her way of writing and I can hear her beautiful accent as I read it. This woman has come a long way in her journey. She is willing to learn, grow, and work hard to become her true potential. I can't say enough about her. She is truly "a friend in deed". Follow this link to see the full article:Tools for Releasing Worry

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