Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am recently reminded of being about 6 and being scared at night. I was a very frightful child always scared. This instance I had come out of my room to seek comfort from my mom. I told her I was scared. I can't remember what I said I was scared of but it started with "what if......" She told me something I still have not forgotten. "What if a bomb lands on the house, what if we all die. Stop worrying about what if's and go to sleep" I don't know if that was the most loving way to approach a 6 year old and it didn't seem to help.

I know what I want to tell that little six year old.

"It is okay to feel scared. It is okay to feel worried. I worry and get scared to sometimes. Don't let it ruin all the wonderful things you do have. A healthy body. A mother who loves you. A loving kitty kat at the foot of your bed. Aunts who think you are the best girl ever. You are loved and Heavenly Father has a plan for you. Trust in that."

Now it is my turn to be the mom. I will cuddle them when they are scared. Let them talk through their feelings and listen to them just like I wanted to be talked to and listened to. They are human and deserve all of the love and respect I can give them. They deserve to be heard and validated.

Please note: my mother is not the same person she used to be. She has changed immensely for the better and would never tell or treat her grandchildren the same way as she treated me. I love her very much and our relationship is very strong and supporting.

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