Monday, August 16, 2010

Tool to Grow Part 1

One of the biggest blocks we put up to justify not dealing with our emotions is a spiritual bypass. This bypass allows us to ignore our true feelings and cover them up with needing to improve our faith. For instance: I worry for my children. Instead of asking myself what is the underlying reason for the worry and fear, I would just tell myself I need to have more faith in Heavenly Father to protect my children and follow his path.

Having faith has a huge role in my life but God gave us emotions for a reason. The correct way to address this concern would be to look at the true meaning behind my feelings, work through them and strengthen my faith and build my relationship with God along the way.

As humans we have a tendency to only want the good feelings and cover up the bad. So we put our variety of emotions into two categories: black and white. This helps us justify covering up the situations we don't want to feel.

What we really should be doing is feeling all of these emotions and working through them. They all have their appropriate place in our lives and we can learn much about ourselves by looking into the meaning behind them.

When we use God's guidance through prayer, scriptures, and following our faith, we have more support in addressing our emotions and finding ourselves.

More on tools to use to help you on your path will be posted tomorrow.


  1. Adrienne, I'm looking forward to reading Part two of this post. Maybe write more than two parts, I'm sure you have many tools to growth to share with us.

  2. I am really touched by the part where you speak of not just needing to pray and give it to God. That God gave us emotions for a reason. Great stuff.

  3. If God didn't give us emotions, we'd have no need for YOU University coaches :)
