Thursday, August 19, 2010

Following My Heart

Maia had a beautiful quote for me today: The desires of the heart are placed there by God.

The quote spoke to me on so many levels of my life. In my career I feel I am truly following my heart. Being a life coach helps me inspire others and serve them. Even though I am paid, the feelings I have when I am speaking with a client are priceless.

With my family, I have so many desires for them. I am truly passionate about raising my family in a way that is loving and sincere. Parenting inspires me to be a better person. I work through my past and find my true emotions so that I can parent without the baggage that I was raised with.

Our desires are put there for a reason. It is important for us to acknowledge what we are truly passionate about. Following our heart's path is following the path that God has put us here for. To do this we must take care of ourselves and feel good about the things we do daily.

Look to tomorrow's blog about living in the now.


  1. Beautiful post! And very important for me to hear! Thank you. And thank you for stopping by my site! I am honored!

  2. Love this post, Adrienne and am looking forward to reading what you have to say about living in the now. I'm practicing each day to lower the stress levels.

  3. Thanks for adding a link to your site on my Link Love 2010 site. Thought you'd like to know how I got here.

    What a wonderful way to live ... Following your heart!

