Friday, August 20, 2010

Living In The Now

For the last week I have been easily distracted. I have been forgetful, worried, anxious. I focus in on things that I need to get done. Even though I am performing activities around my priorities, my mind is elsewhere. So as I started to think through my solutions of working through these feelings I realized that I had not been present in the now. So I made a challenge to myself. I would only do things that made me happy or would result in happiness (example: cleaning does not make me happy but the end result does). I would prioritize my time so that things on the top of my list would truly come first. I would LIVE IN THE NOW.

Since I have implemented this challenge the results have been amazing. I am happy. I am not anxious. I am not fearful or worried. I am enjoying being with my family and I am enjoying the work I am doing. I am taking care of myself. I am me.

So, this got me thinking........

Minds can easily be sidetracked. As humans we have a tendency to focus in on the past or future and can completely disregard the present.

As we reminisce about the past our thoughts can turn negative. Why did I make those stupid mistakes? Why didn't I say something else? Why did I miss that opportunity? I should have.....

As we look to the future we might get anxious. What if I make a mistake? What if they don't show up? What if........

When we live in the present all our mind can do is look at the picture laid out before us. The present deserves our ultimate attention. When we live in the now we can then do our best at the project at hand. Our hearts push us towards what is important (husband, children, self-care, service) and our minds focus on the path at present. We are taking life a little square at a time. Allowing ourselves to truly enjoy life and all that we have in our midst.


  1. Fantastic! Food for thought again!

  2. You, my darling Wise Woman, are amazing1

  3. powerful concepts you are presenting! I am going to follow your lead and live in the NOW!

  4. This is great, Adrienne. For the past few days I've taken my watch off in order to not feel that pressure of time. As you say, living in the present moment fills me with peace and I don't feel rushed.

  5. What a wonderful thought Adrienne! I guess you follow me on twitter and that's how I bumped here, but my my, after reading a few of your posts, I'm convinced this is the blog I wish to read every morning, whether the posts are old or new. Refreshing, short, lively and just ones that are sure to make my day.

    And of course, yes, it's important to live in the present. I don't know if it's law of attraction or something, but I just had this thing going in my mind yesterday. And I'll just get better with that challenge. Thanks.

  6. Isn't it great that by doing something as simple as being present helps keep us on track.
