Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I am trying to figure out where my heart is. I must say after this week, I had such wonderful support from my family, that I feel we need to be closer to them. I am apart of a unique family, both my in-laws and my parents are wonderful people, parents and grandparents. Both my husbands parents and my own are different than they were when we were growing up. The difference is shown towards our two boys and towards us. They are patient, loving teachers. They are very supportive. Although nobody is perfect they certainly love being grandparents. I realize we live too far away for them to be able to be grandparents to our children very often. They would love it if we lived closer. To be honest, I would love it too.

After pondering this move, I realize how important boundaries will be. I am reminded of the realities of living close to family and I know that setting up walls for me and my family are a must.

So in conclusion I know that if we do move it will be after prayer, careful consideration, and communicating boundaries. All of the tools, lessons and gifts that I have learned from Maia and You University have lead me to a place where I am grateful for the life I have. Wherever we live it will be exactly where we are supposed to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adrienne,
    The more I read, and the more I experience it myself, the more I understand how important grandchildren and grandparents are to each other. In fact, I've started blogging about that. You might like to check out AuntLindasblog.com.

    Blessings to you and your family as you decide where you want to be.

    Aunt Linda
